How to Make Strawberry-misu — Amoretti Skip to content
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How to Make Strawberry-misu

How to Make Strawberry-misu

Looking for a delicious summer dessert that's perfect for any occasion? Look no further than our Strawberry-misu recipe! This twist on traditional tiramisu features Wild Strawberry Artisan Natural Flavor and Pomegranate Balsamic Vinegar in the ladyfinger soak, and more Strawberry Artisan in the mascarpone spread.

To make this refreshing dessert, start by soaking ladyfingers in a mixture of Amoretti's Wild Strawberry Artisan Natural Flavor and Pomegranate Balsamic Vinegar. Once the ladyfingers are soaked, layer them in a dish and spread a mixture of mascarpone cheese and more Strawberry Artisan on top. Repeat the process until all the ingredients are used up, then chill in the fridge until ready to serve.

This Strawberry-misu recipe is perfect for summer parties and gatherings, and is sure to impress your guests with its fruity flavor and creamy texture. Give it a try and let us know what you think!



  1. In a bowl whisk together water, 1 tsp. Pomegranate Balsamic, 1 tsp. Wild Strawberry Artisan, 1/4 cup powdered sugar.
  2. In another bowl use a hand mixer to beat together heavy cream, mascarpone, powdered sugar and more Wild Strawberry Artisan.
  3. Dip lady fingers into balsamic mixture and layer into bottom of dish. Cut lady fingers if necessary to fit.
  4. Spread half of the mascarpone mixture over lady fingers and top that with strawberry slices.
  5. Dip remaining lady fingers into balsamic mixture and place over strawberries.
  6. Spread remaining mascarpone mixture on top and cover with remaining strawberry slice.
  7. Cover and let chill in refrigerator for 8 hours or over night.
  8. Slice and enjoy!
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