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Mummy Cakesicles

Mummy Cakesicles

Spook up your cakesicles this Halloween with this easy to make Raspberry Mummy cakesickle  


  • White box cake mix
  • 1.5 tbsp. Amoretti® Red Raspberry Seedless Compound (or your favorite Compound OR Artisan Natural Flavor)
  • 2-5 tbsp. buttercream frosting
  • White melting chocolate or chocolate chips
  • Candy eyes
  • Cakesicles mold
  • Small popsicle sticks


  1. Preheat oven according to box cake.
  2. Follow directions on box cake to bake with the addition of Artisan.
  3. Let cake cool completely.
  4. In a large bowl crumble cake into small pieces.
  5. Mix in frosting 1 tbsp. at a time until crumbs are well covered, moist and can easily form shapes.
  6. Melt your chocolate in the microwave or double broiler. 
  7. Carefully spread a thin layer of chocolate on the bottom of cakesicle mold, this can easily be done with the back of a spoon. 
  8. Place mold in freezer for 5-10 minutes or until chocolate is firm.
  9. Remove mold from freezer and gently pack in cake mixture leaving some room at the top for more chocolate.
  10. Carefully insert popsicle stick.
  11. Top cake mixture with and even layer of chocolate and place in freezer for 30 minutes.
  12. Remove from freeze and gently remove cakesicles from mold. 
  13. Using a fork drizzle chocolate over from of cakesicles (mummy wrappings) and gently place candy eyes on wet chocolate.
  14. Let harden and enjoy!
Previous article Peppermint Hot Chocolate Brownies

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