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Amoretti Marinara Sauce


Amoretti Recipe: Marinara

This is a great recipe to double or triple. Freeze in usable portions (1-2 cups) to have marinara on hand for those weeks when you just don’t have the time. Makes about 4 cups sauce.


  • countertop or immersion blender


  1. Heat oil in a medium pot and sauté onions over medium heat until golden-brown and fragrant, about 5-7 minutes. If the bottom of the pan starts to get too dark before the onions caramelize, add 1-2 tbsp water and continue to cook the onions to the desired golden-brown color.
  2. Add tomatoes and Extracts. Swirl water in can to rinse out the last bits of tomato-y goodness and pour into pot.
  3. Break up the tomatoes and cook over low heat for about 25 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  4. Season with salt and pepper to taste and blend with an immersion blender or regular blender to desired consistency. A smoother sauce is great for pizza and a chunkier sauce is perfect for pasta.
  • You may use canned diced tomatoes but the final product will not emulsify properly and the solids will separate from the liquid as it sits. Just give it a quick stir before serving to redistribute.
  • You may use canned diced tomatoes but the final product will not emulsify properly and the solids will separate from the liquid as it sits. Just give it a quick stir before serving to redistribute.
  • pasta, of course!
  • toss into a pan of roasted veggies for a flavorful side to any meal
  • casseroles
  • dip for breadsticks
  • pizza sauce
  • pour over chicken before roasting or after sautéing
  • a base for different variations of tomato sauce: bolognese (add cooked ground beef), putanesca (add chopped vegetables), or arrabiata (add crushed red pepper flakes)
  • make a quick tomato soup with the addition of a splash of cream
  • the sky's the limit!
Amoretti Marinara Recipe
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