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- Melt chocolate melts in 30 second increments, stirring in between.
- Stir sea salt and Caramel Extract into chocolate.
- Add 2 tablespoons of chocolate to each half sphere in silicone mold.
- Using the back of a spoon of a pastry brush thoroughly cover mold with chocolate.
- Once evenly coated place in refrigerator until hardened (about 15-20 min)
- Carefully pull the edges of the chocolate away from the mold.
- Push chocolate out of mold by putting force in the center bottom of the molds and pushing up.
- Using a warm pan melt the edges of 2 shells making them even.
- Fill one shell with marshmallows and one pump of syrup.
- Place empty shell on top of filled shell to seal.
- With a paper towel wipe the excess chocolate from the seal.
- Let cool 10 min before making hot chocolate
- To make hot chocolate place cocoa bomb in a cup, in a separate pan or measuring cup heat milk until close to boiling, pour milk over chocolate bomb and watch the marshmallows pop out!