Almond Extract Water Soluble
Industry Resources & Brewer Use Level Guides
- Amoretti Item #35
- Highly concentrated extractions
- Cold pressed and virtually alcohol free
- Kosher
- Bake-proof and freeze-thaw stable
- Versatile for any of your gourmet creations
- TTB Approved
The rich flavor of almonds adds complexity to just about any dish you can think of. Good with savory and sweet applications, our Almond water-soluble extract makes it easy to flavor cake, muffin, and cookie batter, ice cream, mousses, and beverages. The only limit is your imagination!
Our highly-concentrated extractions are bake-proof and freeze-thaw-stable, so you can use them in anything from baking to frozen treats. Amoretti’s Almond water-soluble extract is a fantastic addition for all your savory and culinary applications.
This extract is perfect for everyone, from professionals to home chefs to bakers. Since our extracts are so highly concentrated, a little really will go a long way! At Amoretti, we take the guess work out of the equation, so that you can use our specially calculated use levels to ensure that your creations come out with a beautiful flavor note. However you decide to use it, Amoretti is sure you will love the results!
* To order, please contact us at 1-800-Amoretti (266-7388)